Below you're find a high level process flow of how MINIBC interacts with the BigCommerce checkout as well as the merchant fulfillment process. Should you have further technical questions you can always contact us and we'd be happy to speak further.
Get Payment Configuration and Payment Methods
1. Send request to retrieve checkout content.
2. Returns the current checkout content.
3. Sends request with checkout content.
4. Returns frontend payment configuration options.
Setup Payment Form
5. Sends frontend payment configuration to payment provider.
6. Returns configuration data and display payment provider frontend components.
Get Payment Request Token
7. Send request to retrieve checkout content.
8. Returns the current checkout content.
9. Sends request to MINIBC with order details.
10. Returns temporary payment token for this order.
Create Order
11. Sends request to convert checkout into a pending order.
12. Returns pending order details.
Make Payment
13. Sends request to payment provider to exchange card details for a temporary token.
14. Returns temporary nonce token.
15. Submits request to MINIBC with temporary nonce token.
16. Sends temporary nonce token and order details to payment provider for payment transaction.
17. Returns payment transaction results and a card reference token if applicable.
18. Sends request to update order based on the payment results.
19. Returns the updated order details.
20. Returns the payment result and redirect user to order confirmation page.
21. Schedule background task for post payment actions
22. Create Order Meta Fields based on transaction data.
1. Merchant sends request to BigCommerce API to retrieve transaction data via
Order Meta Fields.
2. BigCommerce returns Order Meta Fields with transaction data.
3. Merchant sends payment request to payment provider to collect payment amount.
4. Payment provider returns payment transaction result.
5. Merchant fulfills order per business logic.